If you go out for a meal, get a haircut, buy a gym membership, or buy a bag of potato chips, you will have noticed that some items have more tax as a result of the HST in B.C.
Below are some common examples of everyday purchases that have more tax due to the HST.




Health & Beauty

House & Home


Returning to PST
- The Government is working to bring back the PST as qickly as we responsibly can.
- An action plan has been established to ensure an effective and orderly transition back.
- The Independent Panel report released in May 2011 estimated it would take 18-24 months to complete the process.
- Senior Citizens
Learn more About HTC to PST
The PST will be reinstated effective April 1, 2013.
Will the PST be re-implemented at 7%?
British Columbia’s provincial sales tax (PST) will be re-implemented effective April 1, 2013 at a general tax rate of seven per cent
Will all permanent PST exemptions return?
The PST will apply to the same goods and services that were subject to PST prior to the implementation of the HST. All permanent PST exemptions will be re-implemented with the new PST.